Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My letter to New international airport authorities


The Management

Bengaluru International Airport


-Govt of Karnataka.

This is to raise my concern with you about the non recruitment of native Kannada speaking people in your venture. I would like to thank the management for making such a fantastic airport and wish you all good luck & prosperity through this venture.

My concerns are infact deep rooted considering the fact that I had visited the airport at Devenahalli very recently and it was a pleasant surprise to know that staff recruited for this new venture does not belong to Karnataka and would migrate into native Karnataka after the beginning of this venture.

Kannadigas are known for their accommodating nature, service mindedness and hard work and the fact that Bengaluru has attained pride in the international market stems from these very reasons.Non recruitment of local natives of the state would in fact dilute the native element of service mindedness in your venture.

As a deeply concerned citizen of the state and the country and an avid supporter of your venture. I would suggest you a few things.

A. Request your efforts in recruiting natives, who have sacrificed their land for your airport and accord priority in your venture.

B.Recruitment of locals would be a big advantage against recruitment of migrants who have a short term view towards their career and would infact serve your organization for few years to come. Long term career opportunities are the hallmark of the people of Karnataka and any local native speakers score on this account.People from other states of India would migrate back to their home state when a similar venture is executed in their state.

C.Request your co-operation in taking time to understand the culture of Karnataka and its people

D.Effort to understand the sensitivity and emotion behind this issue for the native people.

These suggestions might seem insignificant for an international conglomerate like yours but equal cross cultural understanding and application would help your business thirve and flourish.

I would be more than happy to share information on native traditions of Karnataka (Where Devenahalli airport is located) , which would aid you understand us better.

Look forward to your co-operation on these issues and solving them with earnest and understanding.

Thanks & Regards

Raghu Nandana M